July 17, 2009

Dream House

In my dreams i often see our home standing in the middle of a garden. Well it's more like a huge garden with a small house. hihihihi. A Hansel and Gretel inspired house, only this time it's COFFEE and minus the witch. Of course. hihihi. And the interior of our house Isn't different from the ambience of each of our favorite coffee shops with huge-huge windows, comfy couches and short tables, beautiful lights, and cool wallpapers. There's even a mini bar with huge menu board hanging on the wall. Then we have a large patio where we take our coffee facing our beautiful garden. Now, let me explain, because i strongly believe that coffee is just coffee even if it's the best coffee in the world, unless taken on a beautiful relaxing surrounding with someone special accompanying us then that cup of coffee becomes magical and enjoyable. Am i right or am i right? hihihihi.

Well, dreaming aside, I am really looking forward having our own home. Right now our apartment has a patio in our master bedroom. It is small and has some plants on pots which is cute. The only problem is, people passing by easily spots us. So it's not romantic. hihihihi. But some night when most of the people are asleep then we go out with our mug of freshly brewed coffee. But tonight we can't. It's raining hard.

Have a great day everyone! What's your dream house like?

dress: thrift 2$. SCORE
cropped vest : diy
shoe : Celine
clutch : from Quiapo, ilalim ng tulay. hehehehe

necklace : from Quaiapo too.


Ela said...

What a fun clutch, Denise! Late nights on your patio sound lovely! My dream home...actually I really love the home we're in now. I just wish I could snap my fingers and have all the rooms painted, fresh flowers in every single room not just the ones we're in most and lots of photos of family and friends on the wall. All that stuff takes time...

www.janetteria.com said...

Amazing clutch Denise!


Unknown said...

you and your coffee addiction! hehehe! my dream house would involve a view of the water... whether it be beach water, lake water... very modern, with a swimming pool in the back and several hammocks to lay in. heheh!

freeteyme said...

really cute clutch girlie! love the colors!

Delmy said...

that clutch is gorgeous!

Dane said...

I love the "ilalim ng tulay" reference. My dream house is an all white loft.. with a very green garden.


Baśka said...

your clutch is beautiful :)

Candycane said...

That cake looks gorgeous - as do you!!

Love those shoes - Do you find them easy to walk in - I would leave them behind :(

mikenbecca said...

Love the clutch...ang colorful :) U look cute with your dress.

Anyway I have a story about Quiapo Denise.. When I went home, I made sure to go to Sta Cruz because I wanna buy some stuff for feng shui and since its near in Quiapo.. I also planned to go there as well. But when I was done shopping, I just decided to cut my trip short because it was freaking hot lol..pasaway di ba?. Hopefully next year when I go home again with my Hubby, I'll be able to go there na.

Happy weekend hun. Take care.

>>> Rebecca Rose


Cheryl said...

Totoo nga sa ilalim ng tulay nabili mo yung clutch, hehe! ;)

My dream house too is like yours with a garden and a fruit orchard. Unfortunately, masyadong mahal ng lupa dito kaya sa condo type buildings na lang kami nakatira.Sa Pinas na lang seguro magpatayo kami ng bahay kubo. :)

Loving your shoes, btw. Ingat! :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My dream house has a wrap around porch! That clutch is perfection!

Posh said...

What a gorgeous clutch!!

Unknown said...

lovely clutch :) i love your smile! :)



....if that clutch ever goes missing, you should know where it is.

...at my house.


If only I wasnt allergic to bees!

Zuzana said...

The collages you make are always stunning.;)
Here it is raining very heavily too.
I already have my dream house.;)
Have a great weekend.;)

Anonymous said...

I dream of a beautiful garden too. But I'm not that good at it.

Lovely Clutch! The colors are perfect where you photographed it.

Ela said...

Aw, Denise, just read your comment - don't apologize! I had a tough time but it made me laugh and it's good practice for me :)

Have a great weekend! xx

Mom Fashion World said...

the clutch is absolutely beautiful!

yiqin; said...

Cute shoes & necklace :)

Anonymous said...

I love the clutch - soo adorable.

Marie-Louise said...

thanks for the comment- you are so sweet! I love that you keep commenting and keep following- it means a lot to me :)
you look super cute here! love the chic look and the chic price ;)

Shelly's Style Shop said...

You look fabulous as always! I always enjoy your pictures. ;-)

That blue couch looks comfy. BTW, your dream house sounds really nice. I think I would like to have a dream house like that too! ha!

Hope your having a wonderful weekend!
xoxo, Shelly

Vintage Lollipops said...

Hey babe!!!

You're looking fantastic as always... but seriously, I'm coming to steal the awesome clutch and necklace! xxx

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

very cute post!

Love love your clutch, and necklace!!!!


Phoebe Rose said...

Thats a beautiful clutch! My dream house would be tall with lots of levels, it would overlook the beach and have a huge porch, it would have wooden floorboards and bookshelves everywhere. Thanks for my comment!


Monica said...

Nice outfit. I really like that clutch. And the color of your couch is gorgeous.

Rebecca said...

Cute clutch! Your dream house sounds very nice indeed.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That is a great clutch and your dream house sounds very cozy.

Anonymous said...

your clutch is so beautiful!! amazing all that colors. nice pictures :)


Kati said...

So cute pics!

Unknown said...

loving the bag xoxox

Winnie said...

I have a thing for pretty clutches and yours is no exception, it's so gorgeous!

Amelia said...

Lovely pictures! That clutch is great.

zupu said...

Lovely pics, the cake looks delicious and you very beautiful! My dream house would have high rooms, colors of white, red and dark wood, well equipment kitchen, romantic bathroom and serene bedroom with a balcony!

Agnieszka said...

wow! what a clutch!

Merily said...

Love this clutch!

6roove said...

great dress! mmm what a yummie cake! ;)

Thevisionarybutterfly said...

Looking good Denise-head to toe:)

KV said...

Hey girl, cute shoes!

Damsels said...

i love your grey dress and the vertical detail is chic .. love the clutch love the wedges love it all :)
hmm isee my apt being in a decent part of the city .. with really bright and quirky furniture and art pieces.

chauss said...

you are adorable!
and i love coffee.


Clara Campelo said...

:OOOO OMG! your bag!


Kat said...

Hi there! Lovely blog you got.

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

i love your clutch! so pretty!

Elaine said...

Wow!!! I love your clutch! Love it love it!!


Rose said...

Great photos Denise!
Love the clutch bag :)



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