July 5, 2009

You can be Anything you Want. Anything?

When i was ten, i was so sure am gonna be a Pastor. hihihihihi. Then i turned twelve, so turns out i wanted to be a Doctor. Three years later i became very interested in acting that i wanna study theater. And before i graduate high school i joined the debate team that i wanted to be ..... you know, of course a lawyer. After finishing college not going to medical or law or business school and successfully being none of those things, i am here now still thinking of my dreams. The world say you can be anything you want, dream big, go for it and you will be very happy. Why is it that in my world, being not a doctor, not a lawyer, not even a computer geek that i am still freaking OKAY? Whatever happened to me? I used to be so sure of many things. Now, am 29 going 30 and i am clueless but definitely happy. And one more thing, at first i thought that before reaching 25 id be married and has three kids by then. OMG! What was i thinking? Who feeds me those ideas? ihihihihihii. I could be miserable right now being a mother of a dog right? But i feel okay. I could have reached for more stars, or maybe not, but am okay with the two stars i have now. The freakiest part of this all is am singing "bituing walang ningning", right now. hihihihihi

How about you? Did your dreams ever came true for you?

Location : Paoay Church, Paoay Ilocos Norte

dress : custom made, own design
bag : guess


Baśka said...

you are amazing! yellow is great for you <3

Zuzana said...

I was the same, I changed my profession future every month as a child.;))
Love the set of pictures, very beautiful.;))

Candycane said...

That dress is amazing and th bag v cute!

Also love the pic of the sheep and your blog today is very inspirational!!

che barcelona said...

I am soo inlove with your yellow dress denise! :)

You look glowing! xxxx

Cheryl said...

Yay! Lovely detailing on that yellow dress. I want it now. ;) Ang cute nung sheep, akala ko wala sa atin yan kasi mainit,hehe! Success and being on top is not always a surefire way to be happy.But if you want something really bad you have to go for it. Okay na yung simple living kasi the problems are not that hard and complicated to solve. Trust me,been there done that. ;)On the lighter side, ang ganda nung church and the photos are as always flawless. Kasingganda mo, sister! :)

Demi said...

thank you for your lovely comment, honey! :)
absolute wonderful post! beautiful photos!

Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Cute cute dress!
X, fashion-nerdic.

Rain said...

I also thought I was married at 25 and got two kids & a perfect job.....turned out to be really different :)

Denise, hope you have your own kids soooon!


Aline said...

what an adorable dress...love it!

and beautiful photos!

we are the same age and I kind of feel the same way!

Hadley said...

realllly pretty, happy sunny dress. :)

www.janetteria.com said...

u are sweetie pretty girl. Beautiful hand made yellow dress...I love it...


muchlove said...

such a gorgeous yellow :)

Secondhand Stella said...

I love your dress! So pretty!

I think your 20's are a good time to figure out who you are. Its ok if you don't know what you want to do with your life. I'm 28 and still not really sure either :)

Rebecca said...

I love that dress! So simple and pretty. :)

So far life has been surprising and very different than I thought it would be when I was a kid, but it's so good and I love it!

Tina said...

Thanks for leaving a comment about my blog :] I love the pictures that are on yours! Their beautiful!

Unknown said...

so summery! and those pictures are breathtaking!

K8 said...

Your photography is gorgeous. What kind of a camera do you have?

elena-lu said...

love the dress it suits you so well!

mikenbecca said...

I like your dress a lot :). U look soooo beautiful, soooo fresh and soooo HAPPY!!!God bless Denise.

>>> Rebecca Rose

Vintage Lollipops said...

That's the amazing thing about dreams... as long we're still happy in the end, we can change and rebuild them as often as we like!
Beautiful outfit sweetie... yellow is drop dead goregous on you! xxx

Anonymous said...

That yellow dress is adorable!xxx


Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love that yellow dress on you! It matches your happy personality! xxoxoxo

Krystal said...

Yellow looks amazing on you! Love this dress!

Unknown said...

kudos on a cheerful post and an equally cheerful outfit D! yeah.. i can honestly say that my life didn't pan out the way i want also-- but then there are other things to derive happiness from aside from fulfilled career goals right? your hubby and koffy are prime examples of true source of happiness:)

much love

yiqin; said...

My dreams hardly come true for me but well. Who knows! Looking great in yellow :)

Noelle Chantal said...

hi Denise! im back! i miss your photos and your smile. hehe :) ah this post is so honest and sweet. being a mother to Koffy and a good bubbly wife is the best part of being you. i like your positive outlook in life. and it really shows in you. you are truly happy Denise! :)

love the yellow dress, makes you more cheerful looking! hehe and the photos below in the wind mills is breathtaking. you are a blogger! :)

Petitbobun said...

That's strange : we had mostly the same dreams ! When I was young, I told everyone that I wanted to be a doctor. Few years later, a lawyer because I thought it would be so cool to do that ! I wanted to work in a fashion world but I thought about it and I knew I wasn't so talented to be a famous stylist !

I hoped that I'd be married at 25 and have my first kid too...

Now I'm a 29 year woman and all I had expected don't be realised but the most important thing is that I'm happy of my way of living.

Rose said...

Your cute yellow dress suits you well, i love the frills around the arms. The photos are beauitful!
I use to want to be a check out chick or a judge when I was a kid. Then I worked in an office for a while, and turns out I will be a nurse at the end of the year :) we never know where we'll end up!


Anonymous said...

I love that yellow on you, it's the perfect shade. I am in love with your bag too!


KV said...

I love that dress on you!


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