Next stop, the Twilight Zone! - (from the narration of The Twilight Zone- creepy)
Life as a journey is a twilight zone. Beauty rests upon ugliness. So confusing, in this time of the century they can be very deceiving. What's ugly now can turn out to be a beautiful thing in the future. And vise versa.
One of my fave episode in (The Twilight Zone) is the Eye of the Beholder. I've watched their re-runs when i was in high school and sure to give me the creeps every time.

Let me quote the closing narration : " Now the questions that come to mind. Where is this place and when is it? What kind of world where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm? You want an answer? The answer is, it doesn't make any difference. Because the old saying happens to be true: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence, on this planet or wherever there is human life, perhaps out amongst the stars. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lesson to be learned— in The Twilight Zone."
Life is great, life is beautiful. My life is my school. I think ill never finish, because there is so much to learn, i don't need to pass every test. All i want is to learn. And i just want my eyes to open to all the dimensions that this so called life is to bring.
now, on my life's wish list : The Twilight Zone complete season, all episodes.