February 19, 2010





  • I believe in God, in nature, in angles & demons, in good and evil person. They really do exist. That angels live in good people and demons in evil person.
  • I believe in the power of spoon and fork. Am a Filipino. Rice will save me from all hunger.
  • I believe in prayer, meditation when doing number two, and music and art. I believe in the power of fibers. You'll feel new every morning.
  • I believe in my moral code that goes like this : lie in little amount, don't over do it, just don't tell the entire truth cos then it's not really super lying. But don't ever, ever lie about your age. You're going to hell.
  • I believe in Karma and my evil laugh is getting better and better everyday with practice. bwahahahahahahaaha!
  • I believe in science, astronauts, aliens, and American Idol and Glee.
  • I believe in kissing and hugging and spooning. Okay. Nuf said.
  • I believe in the power of stupidity and ignorance. It can save people from a lot of pain. Too much knowledge is a burden. But i strongly believe in too much reading.
  • I believe in my friends and they believe in me. We're like the modern 20 apostles. That includes Mary Magdalene and all the Marys in the bible.
  • I believe in recycling as well as shopping, and SALE.
  • I believe that next to human being, dogs are the animal closest to God's heart. And that there is a dog heaven.
  • I believe that there are probably 3 people (more or less) find me annoying.
  • I believe in giving a lot. Sharing stories. Integrity. LOVE and friendship.
  • I believe that life should not be taken seriously. No man is sane who does not know how to be crazy on proper occasions.
...and last but not the least

I believe in this life. I am searching for peace, happiness, love and prosperity in this life not for the sake of my security in after life. Cos We really do not know what's after here. After all we only get to live once. If we die, we're dead, we're gone. The beauty of life is in here. Our salvation is evident on how we're living our life. And my heaven is upon my little life right now. Sometimes i feel like hell but mostly am in heaven.

So tell me, that's your religion? Have a great day everyone!

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.

dress: thrift 2$
shoes: primadona
belt: bazaar
bag: leaveland


katzilla said...

Love is my religion. Heehee.
I believe that Jesus is a radical.
I believe in parting of the red sea.
I believe in the power of hot coco.

I believe in year-end sales. And converse is cool, but a girl needs heels.

Nice entry, Denise! :-)

Maggi said...

Wonderful, thought provoking post!

I definitely believe in Glee! :D

MzUnicaHija19 said...

Believe Jesus is Christ and HE is my Saviour.

I cannot believe that dress is only $2, and pretty shoes!

Isabeau Jane said...

made me think there.. i believe in the nature of things and in the greater scheme of it.. good day!

The ViXeN's LaiR

Sidewalk Chic said...

Loved this post. Your "I'm a Filipino. Rice will save me from hunger" line reminded me of my childhood, when my Filipino mother would buy bags of rice that were bigger than me.

You look so angelic in your photos -- every photo is perfect and looks like it's for a magazine!

- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

Unknown said...

what lovely pictures...the lighting is so perfect.
i'm a Christian...and share many of the same religious beliefs you listed.
xox alison

The F Word Online said...

hey girl, sorry i've been mia - exams and vacays have been consuming my life for a little while. cuuute dress ! i lovee belted dresses.

xx lue

myfloorisred.com said...

Really nice post! I agree partly with you!
By the way, nice outfit and amazing heels!

Psyche said...

I believe in (and try to practice) the principles Jesus Christ had when he was on earth. He is actually my idol. :D But I am not much of a fan of the church. :(

Nice post, Denise. :) And I love the shoes! I wish I could raid your shoe closet.

Zuzana said...

Beautiful beliefs.
Love the bag, I have always had a thing for bags. I own so many.;))
Happy Friday,

Anonymous said...

I love your dress!

naveen said...

looks cool and sexy

Cherie said...

i also believe that there's dog heaven and dogs give the most unconditional love ever.

amazing pictures as always. any tips for me hihi. im such a novice on slr, i dont know what buttons to push :)

ps. your shoes rock

Nina said...

Hi Denise!

My beautiful necklace arrived two days ago apparently but I only saw it today ... you know how helpers are ... Grrr! I shall take a pic soon and do a post of it ... Maraming salamat, Denise! This is my first win ever!

Hannah said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, I'm so happy to hear from you! :)

And I just love your photography; really beautiful work.

Audrey Allure said...

Great post, I believe in life as well :) Beautiful outfit!

Gipsy said...

Thanks for the comment!

Nice shoes.


Raquel said...

Hi Denise,

Thanks! I love your pics (I miss tropical weather a lot)
I believe I'm more happy in a nice and warm place :D
Love your dress and the colors of your pictures!
have a great weekend



wonderful high heels !

mikenbecca said...

two dollars for your dress, that is super awesome. loves it.

Na tawa ako sa spoon and fork kasi its soooo true hehe. ^-^


eesa said...

i love your purse!!

Fashion Court said...

beautiful post and i love your shoes!

B a la Moda said...

I believe in everything that you do except from the aliens. ;)

B* a la Moda

Baśka said...

wonderful post... i think it matters, all you wrote here. it matters for us, humans.
i believe in everything that makes good. i believe in religion, God. i believe we create our lifes ourselves...

Anonymous said...

You look great ! That dress is really pretty :)

meowi said...

beautiful mind my darling" I beleive there are some good people still left in the world.. I just wish people would try to incorperate their own beleifs into their lives more, instead of being a product of culture.

Amazing post.. ps. I beleive in this blog..

fadetoblack said...

so pretty... so jealous of your great weather!!!

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

wow, such a great post denise!
really made me think...

i believe in God..
i believe that there's a bigger plan for us, more than we can hope for..
i believe that everything happens for a reason...and if something is not given to me no matter how much i pray for it, it's cause God wanted my hands free for something greater..
i believe in my family...and how they will be the only ones there for when all else fails...

♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

Unknown said...

Such a pretty white dress, Denise. I believe in cake, laughter, and art. And yes - also RICE!

. said...

you have a great bag. I believe in God, I believe in myself when I have a problem. very nice post. thank you for your comment and invite you to visit another time. I have to admit that you have an interesting blog ;)

Unknown said...

Hey there,
Just randomly stumbled onto your blog, and i love it!
You have such great style, and these are such rad pictures...
Must follow you!
Panda xx

Jeje said...

Believe in God and everything follows :)

Love your shoes! :)

Anonymous said...


you've got beautiful photos!
i love your shoes :)

Mila said...

Beautiful shoesss!

I am Khatu said...

<3 the shoes!

Viva La Fashion said...

oh. i love glee. its so fun to watch. :)

Ansley said...

Aw, I love this post!
Plus you look pretty :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Fab blog! Those photos are gorgeous and you look so lovely in them. :)

Eua said...

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog :) These pictures are adorable! It's so amazing that you're wearing summer dress, which is beautiful by the way :), in February. I know, you want layers but imagine that people in Poland cry for summer and complain about winter and snow ;) Funny, isn't it?

graziella said...

I came across your blog just recently and what a delight it has been! Very refreshing blog!
I believe that there's a dog heaven too....there must be ...
I still have to get into Glee this season yes, nothing beats good entertainment.

And I love how you believe in the power of spoon and fork and rice. Grabe, di ko ata ma-take kumain ng adobo without rice!

Bijou's Style said...

cute! simple but chic!



Liggie said...

hey, thanks for the comment!
love your pics;) so nice to see a beautiful weather without snow;)


Lizz said...

Very nice post, and the pictures are so peaceful. It's such wonderful weather lately... summer is here!!

Julia said...

Really great and thoughtful post. I love your shoes and bag too!


Valerie said...

love the bag and shoe
great blog.comment and follow my blog

Roda said...

hi denise!
great post! i rarely post comment... or rather i have never posted any comment to any blog am following, i just lurk hehehe... so this is the very first time i'm goin to voice my opinion ;), i really love this entry, very well thought and well presented, a subject you've taken lightly but said it all... ;)
such a nice read for a monday morning... which is usually a sleepy-i-don't-want-to-go-to-work day for me. ;))

Unknown said...

@Roda - thank you. Very Much Honored.

i don't want to work too. Lets start a cult shall we? hahahah

itswhatwewant said...

i miss the great (and inexpensive) fashion finds in manila :( love your shoes! :)


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