February 1, 2010

















More photos at Flickr

One look that's all took to create a lifetime of passion. I have no control over my feelings. It is as if am possessed by the ocean, the beaches, the boardwalk, the feeling of oneness that comes over me now especially after seeing Mt.Pinatubo for the first time I knew we are soul mates. It's so bewildering what a decade can make, considering that on 1991 when it last erupted people were fleeing and running away from it's tumultuous devastation that cost many lives and horrible experiences one will never forget. I was eleven then when it erupted and i was made to believe that this volcano is the devil's gate. So unforgiving. And i just can't believe that after a couple of years it has become a beauty that attracts people from all over the world to see and to experience a little piece of history.

Mt.Pinatubo is sleeping for now i believe. And she's beautifully peaceful nowadays.

Btw, trekking is not that hard. It's actually cold on the way up. And my favorite part of the volcano is on the other side where the water is still boiling hot.




Love Pinatubo. She's one sleeping beauty. I just really hope she'll continue to sleep forever and never wakes up anymore. No Prince Charming for her kind.

Have a great week everyone!


Gabi K. said...

It is paradise on earth! How lovely ...

Frehgel said...

This is such a lovely place!
I wanna go there.. like.. now!!

toxic disco boy said...

wow naman. napaka saturated ng colors. iLovette! must go there one of these days. ^^

Ashley Dy said...

Ive never been there! So lovely!!!

Maggi said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place! Love the action shots!

cat said...

wow! beautiful place xx cat
CiTiEs of B

mikenbecca said...

Beautiful, a must visit talaga sa atin.


daisychain said...

wow what a stunning place

What Was I Thinking? said...

Well look at you! Ms. Fashionista and nature girl rolled into one lol!

Those photos are so gorgeous, postcard worthy, serious.


A Gluten Freestyle said...

Beautiful beautiful photographs.
Very jealous.

Raven said...

The pictures are so exciting and colorful! It looks like you all had a good time.

Jessica said...

the beauty is WONDERFUL!!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Adorable pics, doll!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the newer giveaway!♥

Good luck!

Talia said...

marvellous views! realy amazing. I experienced such when I was in Norway.

raita 2 said...

wow, that place looks like a paradice! :) literally. i love all the photos, wow the place looks magical! :) right now the snow on the ground is killing me, a holiday to some place like that would be more than perfect. :D you're lucky hun! :)

dotie said...

awesome pics..I love outings :)
looks like you had a blast!

eclectic du jour

Mode Junkie said...

love the photos lady! looks super masaya that volcano trip! happy birthday to the husby!

Mode Junkie

Unknown said...

Denisssssssssssse! i've missed your blog and your pretty pictures! I am AMAZED at the pictures in this post though! It has been 9 years since i've visited the philippines.. when i was born there, i only spent 2 years living there and then moved away... i never really got to see, experience, or even KNOW of the beauty the Philippines has! Look at how green and clear those waters are!!! i would LOVE to go there one day! thanks for sharing!

Rose said...

Wow, that really is amazing, I love that third photo, it looks unreal. No wonder this is somewhere your hubby wanted to visit. I cant believe how blue the water looks.


Sidewalk Chic said...

Your photos are so beautiful they make me want to cry. As someone who hasn't been in the Philippines since I was 2, this is how I imagine it to look like when I go back.
I hope you're having so much fun!

- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

C. said...

love all these photos, theyre so colorful and fun!!

I gave you an award on this post(click) !!


MzUnicaHija19 said...

Lovely photos!!!!
Its so beautiful that Im wishing Im there.

Heart Charlie said...

Wow! These photos are amazing!!! The colors are so vibrant and the electricity of life is running through all of them ;)

Zuzana said...

What an emotional post; I am not surprised. I have never seen a colour of water like on your pictures.;) Stunning shot and breathtaking nature...

Audrey Allure said...

such stunning views!

Ugly Cute said...

my location? look at yours! these photos are breathtaking


Nina said...

I can't believe that I only found your blog because you've stumbled upon my nutty one?! All your posts are such great reads. Denise Katipunera, you are my modern Philippine hero!

Jeje said...

Really awesome photos!! :) Who took `em? :)

It looks like you really had so much fun:)


Alice said...

I know you want to wear layers but you are so lucky! I am freezing in Dublin right now and even the layers can't help me :)

Nicha said...

So beautiful! It seems so hidden away.

Dannie said...

i looove all the beauty here! and that peace sign shirt is waay cool!

iris said...

wow, that seems amazing

Woods said...

soo sweet! love your outfit very relax

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

when i saw your mt. pinatubo photos, i immediately told harry that we should go there this summer...he was like 'huh?' quite surprised since he knows i'm not much into hiking..hehe.

can you swim in those blue waters? cuz i so want to...it's my kind of blue!

ps. haha, i'm not blessed with salon hair...my curls are natural though but i have to put hair lotion on them...then not comb them when they're dry.. i also condition everyday...and iron out my bangs.hehe. :D


Mom Daughter Style said...

How pretty. Philippines is beautiful! Dami pwedeng puntahan. It's nice to know that it's not hot. It's always a concern whenever we go hiking (i don't recently).

Unknown said...

hi Denise, wow!! amazing! ang ganda ng view...I'm sure you had a great time. :)

Cheryl said...

OMG! These are SPECTACULAR! You're so lucky to be able to visit this place. It looks so calm and inviting to the senses.

Perfect birthday gift for your Prince Charming. ;) Belated happy birthday to your One and Only by the way.:)

Still dumbstruck over these photos, D. You're hubby is one hell of a photographer.

Sher said...

OH my, what an amazing view!! I have to visit this place once in my lifetime!!!

Petitbobun said...

That's absolutely gorgeous ! It's like being in paradise !
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us !

Ela said...

I went once when I was very young. too young to really remember I'm afraid. It's gorgeous. The Lord truly did make all things beautiful.

The F Word Online said...

these are beautiful photos ! seriously. i hate hiking but now i want to go on one just to explore the great outdoors, ha

xx lue

Anonymous said...

You truly live in paradise!

Mom Fashion World said...

I'm so proud of our country. When it comes to beautiful places, we're not left behind. i love these photos, denise. the beach is so inviting.

Unknown said...

wow beautiful pictures!!!!

Nice blog. I'm going to follow. Check out my blog when you get a chance as well.


Vera Liane Rea said...

wow mt.pinatubo is so beautiful.ive only heard about its beauty but the pictures somewhat capture the beauty. its best i see it one day. :)

you and your friends look adorable and happy. :)

Unknown said...

Denise, you are making me sooooo jealous. sobrang ganda dyan! i wanna go there and don't come back.


. said...

So marvellous I wanna travel theere !


Ohanna Corrêa said...


WendyB said...

I'd jump for joy if I were there too. It looks like heaven!

o said...

great post, denise! these pictures are gorgeous! i haven't had a chance to see mt. pinatubo, but perhaps the next time we're in the philippines:) u guys look like ure having a blast! thanks for sharing ur pics:) have a great weekend!


Viva La Fashion said...

these pictures are beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

wow!! ganda tlg!!!

Lianne said...

that place is GORGEOUS!!!! ok that does it. definitely going to do that trek. can you send me more info on your trip?? :D puh-lease!


Anonymous said...

WoW!!! über beautiful photos!!!


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