May 30, 2013

At The Playground Lately...


yllac's shirts here were all from SM Kids FAshion
Oh nothing, just us two monkeys hanging around in the playground - the happiest place on Earth. Now that we're in between summer and rain Yllac sure is boiling mad every time we cannot go play out because of the puddles. Sure, it makes the playground all ours but the puddle! oh those puddle. Let's just say, what a waste of a perfectly empty playground.

Or, maybe all we need is a good rain boots. 


Today was gloomy. I love rainy season because of the nice weather mostly. No more sticky feeling. But we're going to miss playing outside for a couple of months. And it made me sad. Today we drove around our little home town while the rain slowly pour on our windows. Yllac loves the rain. That I can tell. He loves catching them and especially tickled by each drop on his face as he look up into the sky. His eyes fluttering and so amazed by it.  There is something eerie going on with every change in season. There's excitement and a little sadness I cannot explain. And today I felt both. Oh I don't know, just feeling emotional i guess. 

So how was your day? Hope it's a good one. 



Superman is down! - my favorite photo of Yllac this week.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love the bright colors!!!! :))


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