- Color : yellow, black
- Dessert : (right now) flat tops hihihihi and cheese flavored ice cream
- Smell : Lysol
- Flower : rose
- Animal : Koffy my dog son
- Month : December, January and March
- Beverage : Fruit juices and coffee
- Pair/s of Shoe : (right now) gladiator shoes
- Snack : orange and lays
- Song : Metallica, Jason Mraz
- Book : Haruki Murakami, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Judith McNaught and the late Sidney Sheldon
- Fruit : Orange
- Hairstyle : I always wanted a big curly hair but failed miserably
- Pieces of Clothing : dresses as always
- Stores to Clothes shop : Lhasa, Thrift stores
- Season : Summer : but it makes me sick and rainy: but i can't go out.
- Hobby : Necklace making. I have to show you soon. ihihihihi
- Things to collect : fridge magnets
- Movie : i love Classic old movies
- Restaurant : TGIF and Gerry's Grill
- Do you have a fitting room dance? It's more of a ritual happy dance when a certain dress fits me well and happiness can't be contained. It's like an out of body experience. Watch above. It's a year old video and of course one of my favorite too. No wonder husband is a happy shopping partner. Okay....i can't dance, am a dork!
- The collage above is a collection of my fave photos and some events in my life surely i will never forget. Koffy when he was still a baby, home photos and those colorful toes that took forever to finish. hihihi.
- And thank you Shelly for the award you gave me. I don't know what to say, let me just dance for you.... hihihihi.

Have a great day everyone!