Bloggers United is in partnership with:
Multiply Philippines (http://multiply.com/)
GMA Kapuso Foundation (http://www.kapusofoundation.com/)
Treston International College (http://www.treston.edu.ph/)
Event is co-presented by:
Nikon (http://www.nikon.com/)
Audioline (http://www.audiolineph.com/)
Columbia Digital (http://www.columbiadigital.net/)
ETC (http://www.etc.com.ph/)
Meg Magazine (http://www.meggurl.com/)
When in Manila (http://www.wheninmanila.com/)
Gadgets Magazine (http://www.gadgetsmagazine.com.ph/)
In cooperation with:
Bankard (http://www.bankard.com/)
Kotex (http://www.kotex.com.ph/)
Tomato (http://www.tomato.ph/)
Nail It! (http://www.nail-it-salon.com/)
Manels (http://www.manels.com/)
Ferretti (http://ferrettishoes.com/)
Giordano (http://www.giordano.com.ph/)
Lapdance (www.lapdancebags.com)
Unionbank (http://www.unionbankph.com/)
Xend Business Solutions (http://www.xend.com.ph/)
Special thanks to:
Posh Nails (http://poshnails.com.ph/)
Rio Mints (http://www.facebook.com/riomints)
SM Dept Store (http://www.smdeptstore.com/)
Online Shop Donors:
Belle York (http://www.facebook.com/SoleSisterLifestyle)
Shop Dainty (www.shopdainty.com)
Asian Vogue (http://asianvogue.multiply.com/)
F-STOP (Fashion Stop) (http://fashionstopshop.multiply.com/)
Anagon Collection (http://anagoncollection.multiply.com/)
Archive Clothing (http://archiveclothing.multiply.com/)
Extreme Finds (http://www.facebook.com/mustloveExtremeFinds)
Sparkle Shop (http://www.mysparkleshop.com/)
Flattering Tops (http://www.facebook.com/flatteringtops)
Posh Pocket Shoes (http://www.poshpocketshoesonline.com/)
Scrunch (http://www.facebook.com/SSSCRUNCH)
Sole Sister (http://www.facebook.com/SoleSisterLifestyle)
Maris (http://marisonline.multiply.com/)
Bubbles (http://tatibubbles.multiply.com/)
Location Details:
Treston International College
University Parkway District, 32nd Street corner C-5 Road
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Metro Manila Phillipines
Told you there will be more. Am some kind of psychic you know!
Anyway, so ill see you there okay? I will sell some clothes (for only 150php each) and all the profits from (my clothes) will go to GMA Kapuso Foundation and some more percentage from my shoe store, Shoe Etiquette. I wish you'd be there and buy my shoes for a great bargain price. I promise you'd love it.
anywaysss... am giving away 20 FREE TICKETS. All you have to do is leave a comment here with your name plus a friend you'll take with you. You need a shopping buddy don't you? And it's a fun fun day filled with giveaways and lots lots more. Stay the whole day and just talk to everyone. There will be food, make overs/make under, a concert! It's gonna be a big big party.
So see you there????
Okay there's more...